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Healthcare costs could go down if Harry Reid takes Robert Reich's advice.

Robert Reich takes up the problem of cutting healthcare costs and encourages Harry Reid to draft a bill--or at least an amendment--that provides a robust public insurance option available to everybody, knocks out the provision extending for 12 years the monopoly for generic drugs, and holds Medicare reimbursement rates to the COLA formula enacted years ago. Cross posted at HuffPo. This would provoke determined opposition from insurance companies, drug companies, and the AMA, but it needs to be done because otherwise healthcare, which is already unaffordable for most Americans, will get even more so.  Reich says Reid should use the budget reconciliation procedure (requiring only 51 votes for passage) and get tough with Blue Dogs--if they don't vote for it, they should get no re-election help from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Hat tip to Christine for the link.

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Reader Comments (2)

I received the following comment by email:

Is there a risk that the 51 vote route, even if successful, would be tied up in litigation for a generation or two? I worry, too, that the passionate pursuit of current maximum objectives risks the Dems their congressional majorities, which, I think, are as important to our national welfare as "perfect" healthcare is. On some days I think that a pretty good start on healthcare reform - likely already in hand - is preferable to a theoretical home run now that can prove unsustainable if the Reps retake control too soon. Of course, I have medicare.

November 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSkeptic

I think, are as important to our national welfare as "perfect" healthcare is. On some days I think that a pretty good start on healthcare reform - likely already in hand - is preferable to a theoretical home run now. üsküdar evden eve nakliyat

January 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarry James

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